Helium Moons (x85.y0)
Contributor: John Ogden
“By Jupiter’s grace!” the old wizard swallowed. “Why, the very size of the thing defies convention! What madman would construct such a monstrosity and to what purpose!?”
Lavera didn’t answer, only gritted her teeth. With the little aeroglider’s rudder broken and clockwork turbine leaking long streams of glittering blue-green aether, the wheel was hard in her hands, shaking and vibrating as much as the little craft was. The moon, a huge and pale specter of helium and alumino-composite, loomed up to fill every inch of glass. The dark, crater-like smears pitting its surface resolved quickly into the leavings of cannon fire, the scorchmarks of ancient exchanges with weapons far larger than anything modern armies could field.
Beside Lavera, Helia swallowed, gripped the narrow hull with whitening fingers.
“Hang on!”
Lavera kicked the wheel to the quick in one last, desperate gamble to steer clear of the massive, manmade moon, threw every ounce of strength she could muster behind the attempt. The little aeroglider lurched reflexively, and then there was a deafening crack. Lavera paled instantly, swallowed.
“Oh great goddess Minerva, see us safely through this.” She shot a wide-eyed look back at Helia and the wizard.
“Prepare for impact!”
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