At The Edge Of The Grave (x8.y0)

Contributor: BinaryAgent

As I tromped across the weary wasteland I kept my eyes peeled for food. It's not like there's any fruit or wild animals for food – my only hope is to find some sort of canned provisions. I spotted a likely spot and started hunting around. There were ashes, a sure sign of a recent fire. There had also been a scuffle, they had obviously had a run-in with the monsters. But had they escaped? I continued analyzing the campsite. Blood. Dried puddles and smears of red blood on the yellow and gray grass. They were goners. Dead. That meant I was free to pillage any supplies that might be left over.

A backpack! I opened the green canvas bag. Jackpot! A dented can of sliced tomatoes and a stale piece of jerky. It was a good day. I immediately put the jerky – a precious source of protein – in my mouth and started to suck on it; letting the fluids in my mouth soften the rock-hard piece of meat.

Then I was off again. I was on the track of someone who may have needed help. I was determined that I would reach them before the monsters did.

I had to.


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