Helium Moons (x2.y0)

Contributor: Binary Agent

By the time Helia entered the room, Lavera had already donned some dark goggles and gloves. She was lying on her back, underneath a large metal mechanism.

“Could you be a dear and hand me that split-handled spreader?” She asked, motioning towards her tool bag. Helia dropped her suitcase and shouted,

“Lavera! You could have been killed!” Lavera stood up, removed her goggles, and dusted herself off.

“Oh, that.” She chuckled. “Those guys couldn't have hit the broad side of this ship!” Helia frowned and picked up the bright blue cloak Lavera had been wearing. There was a charred hole in the material, inches away from where Lavera's liver would have been. Lavera shrugged, “It didn't fit correctly anyway. I was going to have it tailored eventually – I just wouldn't have done it with a laser!” She smiled and pulled her goggles back over her eyes. “Now about that spreader.”

“Quit kidding around!” Helia exclaimed. “Who was chasing you? What did they want?”

“Pirates.” Lavera said. “One of them shouted that we wanted my head.” She cracked a smile. “I must say that I couldn't argue with him. If I was him, I'd trade faces with anyone.”

“Lavera...” Helia started, but she was cut off as a huge crewman entered the engine room.

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