Shadows and Silver Dollars (x32.y2)

Contributor: BrettB

“I'm afraid you're gonna be beat tonight boys.” Old Mac drawled as he shuffled the deck of work playing cards. “No one's better at five card draw than me.” The four bandits at his table looked at each other and smiled.

“Shut yer yap and deal the cards.” The first said.

“Yeah, we came to gamble, not to sit around and listen to you.” The third snapped. Mac peered at the four outlaws and a half smile broke across his wrinkled face. Nothing made him feel as good as cheating the cheaters.

“Alright, alright.” Mac chuckled. He set the stack of cards in front of the bandit on his right. “Cut, please.” The first bandit took the cards, shuffled them, and placed them back in front of Mac. He quickly dealt out a hand to each of them. “First to play is left of the dealer.” The men sat looking at their cards – trying to read the other's faces.

After the first round of betting they drew to try and improve their hands. The bet was already up to five small gold nuggets. Then the second and final round of betting started. Things went smoothly until one of the bandits announced,

“I'll see yer bet and raise it ten nuggets.” Mac eyed him suspiciously. The bandit leaned back in his chair and showed off his rotten teeth in a wicked grin. The next bandit announced,

“I fold.”

“I fold” The third bandit conceded tossing his hand onto the table. It was Mac's turn. Suddenly, a single gunshot shattered the relative silence of the saloon. The bandit directly across the table from Mac gasped once, tried to choke out a word, and toppled over in his chair. His body and chair clattered on the hard, wooden flooring. The three remaining bandits looked at Mac who casually holstered his pistol. They all jumped from their chairs – but before they could do anything the swinging doors in front smashed open with a loud bang. All heads in the casino – including the bandits and Mac – turned to see who had barged into the place.

A tall, thin man stood in the doorway; his face as pale as a sheet. He was drenched in sweat, and panting. He did manage to get out one word.


The bandits raced over and caught him before he hit the floor, and dragged him back to their table.

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