Starships of Destiny (x16.y2)

Contributor: ToddGM

Kenna stood next to Graffyr looking at a giant green ship.

“Is that even spaceworthy?” Kenna asked with distaste. They were looking at the Holgar. It wasn't a massive ship, as far as spaceliners or battleships went, but it was probably the biggest garbage scow she had ever seen. The entire ship was a greenish-rust color, with a large waste containment unit strapped to it. It sat in the hanger, slightly cockeyed. “I bet that it's never made a re-entry flight, the atmospheric braking would burn it up. It just cruises out here in space, picking up garbage until it finally falls apart.”

“It's beautiful.” Graffyr crooned. Kenna looked up at him in surprise.

“Graff, are we looking at the same hunk of junk?” Kenna asked. Graffyr pulled a black communicator from his belt and started jotting down notes. “Graffyr? Graff? What are you writing? Your request for an immediate transfer?” Graffyr ignored Kenna and walked towards the ship. Kenna trailed behind him. She heard him muttering to himself as he scribbled on the plasma-receptor screen.

“Four liquid-ion quantum thrusters; model number 114779, quarter-inch plasticide armor, anti-blast mesh, automatic polarization on the cockpit windshield...” Kenna interrupted him.

“Graffyr, where are you pulling this information from?” Kenna asked. Graffyr looked down at her.

“The Holgar is a scrap ship right? A garbage scow?”

“Exactly!” Kenna exclaimed. "It's a piece of junk!" Graffyr shook his head.

“Do you know why I was assigned to the Holgar?” He asked. Kenna just stared at him. “My kind are scavengers. Pack rats. Hoarders. Collectors. Call us what you will – we gather garbage for a hobby. My personal interests lie in old machinery. My room back on Tunigis was stuffed to the gills with broken electronics. My superiors thought that if I had such an affinity for garbage I should get to work around it all the time.”

“So it's a punishment?” Kenna asked. Graffyr smiled.

“That's what they'd like to think.” He motioned to the ship. “Apparently another pack rat before me worked on the Holgar.” Kenna looked at him quizzically. “That's not a standard-issue garbage scow.” Graffyr said. “Somebody spent a lot of time customizing that ship.” Kenna looked back at the huge scow and back at Graffyr. “I know it doesn't look like much to the untrained eye, but that scow is one of the most beautiful pieces of machinery I've ever laid eyes on. I just can't wait to get my hands on its main engine. Can you even imagine what it looks like inside?” Kenna raised an eyebrow and turned back to the Holgar.

“Too bad I'll just be sitting in the gun-turret.” She replied sarcastically. “I just hope with all the customizing, they upgraded the guns from standard plasma cannons.”

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