Starships of Destiny (x26.y2)

Sep 29

Contributor: SpaceBrown

Kenna’s tirade stopped abruptly.

“The Admiral.” She gasped. “The Admiral's on Mars…Oh my gosh! He knows!”

“The Admiral’s on Mars?” Graffyr asked. Kenna whirled around.

“Of course not! Why would the Admiral be on Mars?” Suddenly Graffyr got it.

“The Admiral had received a report about an uprising on Mars, hadn’t he?” Graffyr asked. Kenna turned white. She had just divulged confidential information to the ship’s engineer, information she didn't even know she knew until a few moments ago. “I get it now." He continued. "The Admiral received the news six days ago, but didn’t believe it. At least, not fully. That’s why you were transferred to the Holgar. He wanted you within calling distance when he went to check out the situation, if in fact there was one.” Graffyr stopped. “Kenna.”

"What?" Kenna asked, shocked that Graffyr had put together so much more of the puzzle than she had.

"If there had been a real jailbreak -- if someone had escaped -- would the officials know that?"

"Of course they would." The Kenna insisted. "They know every prisoner on that planet."

"Kenna, is there no way that a prisoner smart enough to escape could stay off the record?" Graffyr pressed.

"I'm telling you Graff, there's no way he could have been erased from the database. Once you're in, you're in. They have pictures, prints, DNA samples, cranial scans, and a firewall that not even the designers could hack protecting it." Kenna countered. "If anyone escaped -- and that's a big if -- we would have been alerted."

"What if he'd been found? Would you have been notified, or just the Admiral?"

"What are you trying to get at Graff?" Kenna asked

"Is there any way the Admiral could be in danger Kenna?" Graffyr asked.

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