Whispers of Ancient Magic (x12.y6)

Sep 21

Contributor: Binary Agent

Ket and Daelindra circled above the ogres. The brutes continued to march around the borders of the swamp.

“I'm going in for a closer look.” Ket said, folding his wings. As he dove he stretched out his talons and let out an ear-piercing shriek, knowing an attack from a full-grown gryphon would send the dimwits running. One casually turned and solidly placed his club in Ket's feathered chest. The force threw the gryphon into the scrubby brush a few yards away. He staggered upright as another ogre lumbered towards him. Ket flapped his wings and took to the air.

“Are you hurt?” Daelindra asked.

“Fine, Dae.” Ket winced. “But something is seriously wrong here.”

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