Starships of Destiny (x12.y2)

Contributor: David Gardiner

“You’re up for a promotion, Dalais.”

Kenna pulled at the edges of her uniform, tried vaguely to fold out the wrinkles sleep had left in the blue fabric. Lena had leaked the admiral’s intention to pin a new chevron on her the night before, so she’d spent the whole night celebrating. Now she was here, and her admiral’s hand glittered with the gold that meant more responsibility and a larger paycheck. She swallowed, forced herself to calmness, forced aside the throbbing of her hangover.

“But unfortunately, it means a transfer to the Holgar.

Kenna couldn’t help the reaction which shot across her face. The admiral’s eye twitched as she went even more pale, struggled to catch her breath.

The Holgar was a garbage scow.

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