Starships of Destiny (x13.y2)

Contributor: Krymsonkyng

"Sir," Kenna struggled to find the right words, "If I may ask, why the Holgar?" Her hangover surged in. She was going to be sick.

Admiral McClain stopped just short of pinning on the new chevron. "There was a shielding malfunction in the main compacting cell. The Chief warrant officer in charge of security found the leak the hard way." The admiral frowned. "At least you'll be stationed near Mars for your first tour. I hear the orbital base on Phobos has a full civilian sector. Tech and support for the Mars prison."

No good. Kenna took a step back and glanced about the admiral's office for a waste bin. She would hold out until the last moment before making a dash towards the trash can.

"Dalais, you've been a fire team leader aboard the Savoy for two tours now. It's high time you transfer. This may seem like a step down, but I promise there is plenty of opportunity to be found near Mars."

Kenna brushed past the admiral and emptied her stomach into the bin.
The admiral ignored her and said, "Your transfer skiff leaves in forty eight hours."

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